Saturday, 26 August 2023

Vivant ☆ ヴィヴァン

8.6 8.6 Your Rating:  9/10 J-addicts rating Ratings: 8.6/10 from 23 users  # of Watchers: 415 Reviews: 0 users Nogi Yusuke is the chief of Marubishi Corporation's Energy Development Division 2 and visited the Balka Republic to recover the extra $90 million that had been transferred to GFL, a company with whom he has been working on an infrastructure project. The money however, has been transferred to over 10 subcontractors and Yusuke decides to go to Aman Constuction, but was betrayed by the cab driver. Yusuke has no choice but was left in the middle of a desert and has to find ways to resolve...

Tuesday, 2 May 2023

2022 Commercial Cost Survey

The numbers are nowhere near where they were, pre-covid, but the networks do still raking large amounts of cash selling ad time on their broadcast outlets. NBC's Sunday Night Football is, by far, the top revenue producers, getting over $825K per spot.  The top prime-time money producers for each network is  The CW - WALKER ($24.5k) ABC - GREY'S ANATOMY ($207.5k) CBS - YOUNG SHELDON ($161k) FOX - THE MASKED SINGER ($165.7k...

Monday, 9 January 2023

Marriage to a Ninja is Difficult ☆ 忍者に結婚は難しい

7.9 Your Rating:  9/10 Ratings: 7.9/10 from 99 users  # of Watchers: 596 Reviews: 600 users       Kusakari Hotaru (Nanao) is married to Kusakari Goro (Suzuki Nobuyuki) and she works as a pharmacist. She holds a secret that she is really a ninja and part of Koga Ninja’s family. Her husband holds a routine job as a postal delivery carrier, but he has a secret as well. He is also a ninja and part of wellknown Iga Ninja’s family. Even though Kusakari Hotaru and Kusakari Goro are a married couple, they are unaware their partner is a ninja. For generations, the Koga Ninja and Iga Ninja families have...

Monday, 7 November 2022

Atom no Ko ☆ アトムの童

8.1 Your Rating:  9/10 Ratings: 8.1/10 from 45 users  # of Watchers: 596 Reviews: 600 users         Azumi Nayuta is a young prodigy game developer who produces games privately under the name "John Doe" without any link with major company or distributor. Nayuta is often known as the "Banksy of the game industry" as no one knew his true identity, but an incident led him to leave game development. However, the story begins when "Atom", a long-established toy manufacturer that is on the verge of going out of business, begins to search for him in order to rebuild its business.     Episode...

Friday, 8 July 2022

Kenkoba Bako2 Night ☆ 22.07.08 ☆ Tanabata

Steam at Blogger ENJOY  <<Click here to stream at

Kenkoba Bako2 Night ☆ 22.07.01 ☆ Ken's 50th Birthday

ENJOY  <<Click here to stream vide...

Friday, 24 June 2022

Sword of Desperation ☆ EN Sub ☆ Toyokawa Etsushi

Rated: 7.2/10 (753 votes)  Sword of Desperation (必死剣鳥刺し, Hisshiken Torisashi) is a 2010 Japanese jidaigeki drama film directed by Hideyuki Hirayama. It was released in Japan on July 10, 2010. It was written by Hidehiro Itō and Itaru Era, based on a novel by Shūhei Fujisawa, and was produced by Hidehiro Itō. Plot: A talented but troubled Edo Period swordsman, Kanemi Sanzaemon. Three years earlier, Kanemi killed a woman, Renko, the corrupt mistress of the powerful daimyo Tabu Ukyou. Unexpectedly, Kanemi received a lenient sentence for his crime and is allowed to return to his clan after only one year of imprisonment. Following his return,...

Friday, 17 June 2022

Kenkoba Bako2 Night ☆ 22.06.17

  Click below to view/stream the video file Click here to ENJOY at VK.c...

Wednesday, 15 June 2022

Betrayal Game by BEFIRST ~Music Video

Betrayal Game by BEFIRST ~Music Video for 探偵が早すぎる Season 2 ...

Friday, 10 June 2022

USFL Ratings Week 7 & 8: May 28-29 and June 3-5, 2022

It has been a couple of weeks since our last USFL ratings post. Only six of the eight fames in week seven and eight were on broadcast or cable TV. Peacock got two exclusive games, taking the late Sunday game in both weeks...

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