Thursday, 24 March 2016

It's March 25th - 9 months 'til Christmas!!!

If you are looking for any news on Christmas Movies - you have come to the right place!

Wow! Can you believe it? So many New Christmas movies will be birthed and delivered in the course of these 9 months from now until Christmas!

Cynthia Busby inA Puppy for Christmas” (wt)!!!
(image via: Dare2Productions, Cynthia Busby , and Russ De Jong Instagram)

And, with Hallmark and UP typically starting the airing of their movies, either late October or early November... that means we are around 7 months away from the season beginning! Oh my! (*sigh*) While we enjoy Easter, this first week of Spring, and a whole new season, let's also look forward with great anticipation to everything ahead for a brand New Christmas Holiday Season!

I have a Christmas Movie page I am updating all throughout the year - with any Christmas movie news I find, or news you all share of potential, upcoming Christmas movies coming this Year!


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