Friday, 14 December 2018

Christmas Themed Series Finale - Timeless: The Miracle of Christmas Part l & 2


TV Show: Timeless: The Miracle of Christmas Part l & 2

(This is 2 HOURS!)

Network: NBC

Original Air Date: December 20, 2018

Rated: TV-PG-V-D-L

Matt Lanter as Wyatt Logan, Abigail Spencer as Lucy Preston
— Photo by: Darren Michaels/Sony/NBC

Goran Visnjic as Garcia Flynn, Claudia Doumit as Jiya, Matt Lanter as Wyatt Logan
 — Photo: Darren Michaels/Sony/NBC

Abigail Spencer as Lucy Preston — Photo: Darren Michaels/Sony/NBC

Malcolm Barrett as Rufus Carlin — Photo: Darren Michaels/Sony/NBC

Matt Lanter as Wyatt Logan — Photo: Darren Michaels/Sony/NBC


Abigail Spencer
Matt Lanter
Goran Visnjic
Sakina Jaffrey
Paterson Joseph
Claudia Doumit

Paterson Joseph as Connor Mason, Malcolm Barrett as Rufus Carlin,
Claudia Doumit as Jiya, Matt Lanter as Wyatt Logan
— Photo: Darren Michaels/Sony/NBC

Matt Lanter as Wyatt Logan — Photo: Darren Michaels/Sony/NBC

Abigail Spencer as Lucy Preston, Matt Lanter as Wyatt Logan
– Photo: Darren Michaels/Sony/NBC

Abigail Spencer as Lucy Preston, Malcolm Barrett as Rufus Carlin, Matt Lanter as Wyatt Logan
— Photo by: Darren Michaels/Sony/NBC


Storyline: As Christmas arrives in the Bunker, the Time Team is inspired by a visit from their future selves to find a way to try to save Rufus (Malcolm Barrett). But when the Mothership jumps to 1848 California, they're forced to put those plans on hold and chase Rittenhouse back to the Gold Rush, where they encounter one of the era's most dangerous villains. Then chasing the Mothership to Korea in the winter of 1950, our team helps a stranded, pregnant refugee attempt to escape a tragic fate. Stuck with no way out, our team faces its toughest challenge yet, and in the process, come to terms with their feelings for each other.

Timeless - image: NBC

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images via: NBC via


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