Saturday, 15 December 2018

HALLMARK DRAMA is now on DirecTV!

images: Hallmark Crown Media / DirecTV

Yesterday, my Sister-n-Law called with some fun news! She was looking at the guide on her TV at Hallmark Movies & Mysteries… and what did she see? Hallmark Drama has now been added to DirecTV!

I was ecstatic to learn of this news – and wanted to be certain to share it with all of you!

I quickly turned the station and there it was! At the time, the endearing show, “Little House on the Prairie” was playing. It’s always nice to see wonderful family programming like this have a home on TV, especially with all the non-family programming which is so easily accessible these days. In the future, there have been talks of original movies and possibly, new 1 hour dramas coming to Hallmark Drama, as well, so… it’s a wonderful gift this Christmas season for DirecTV subscribers!

This news was also publicly announced on the Hallmark Drama Facebook page:

“Hallmark Drama is launching today (December 14, 2018) on DIRECTV’s Movies Extra Pak channel 564. Enjoy family-friendly Hallmark Hall of Fame movies and heartwarming TV series on Hallmark Drama.”

I hope you all enjoyed hearing this news as much as I did! A big thank you *hug* to my sweet “Sis” for discovering this news and sharing with me… and now, all of you - too!

For more details, visit DirecTV – here!

Merry Christmas, Everyone!!! Net


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