Thursday, 20 December 2018

🌟 TWO CHRISTMAS PREMIERES TONIGHT 🌟 "A Christmas for the Books" and "Timeless: The Miracle of Christmas"

Thursday, December 20, 2018:

image: Hallmark Crown Media

Storyline via Hallmark: Relationship author Joanna Moret fears a breakup will ruin her professional image and an offer for her own TV show. Joanna asks Ted to pose as her boyfriend for the holidays as she plans her future boss’s Christmas gala, and in exchange helps Ted try to win back his... click here to read more...

See the Premiere of A Christmas for the Books
Thursday, December 20, 2018
at 9pm/8c. on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries


PLEASE NOTE: This is rated TV-PG-V-D-L.
(features the California Gold Rush & the Korean War)

Matt Lanter as Wyatt Logan, Abigail Spencer as Lucy Preston
— Photo by: Darren Michaels/Sony/NBC

Storyline: As Christmas arrives in the Bunker, the Time Team is inspired by a visit from their future selves to find a way to try to save Rufus (Malcolm Barrett). But when the Mothership jumps to 1848 California, they're forced to put those plans on hold and chase Rittenhouse back to the Gold Rush, where they encounter one of the era's most dangerous villains. Then chasing the Mothership to Korea in the winter of 1950, our team helps... click here to read more...

Thursday, December 20, 2018
at 8pm/7c. on NBC

PLEASE NOTE: This is rated TV-PG-V-D-L.
(*I have not pre-screened this show)

We are getting closer and closer to Christmas now; 
however, there are still plenty of new premieres to see!

I hope you enjoy relaxing tonight
with one of the new ones on TV!

Merry Christmas, Everyone...
and every Blessing from above! Net


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