Thursday 16 April 2020

INTERVIEW: CANDACE CAMERON BURE - on hosting the Hope Rising COVID-19 Benefit Concert, Faith, Family, & Future Hallmark Movies! @candacecbure #HopeRising SEE HERE:

Candace Cameron Bure - image (left): photographer Eric Michael Roy
image (top right): Hope Rising Benefit Concert / (mid right): / Dayspring
image (bottom right): Hallmark Crown Media

I am beyond thrilled to share with you all today my interview with actress, host, author, producer... Candace Cameron Bure, who is well known from the popular family sitcom, "Full House," and her numerous, wonderful Hallmark movies, including the "Aurora Teagarden Mysteries," "A Shoe Addict's Christmas," "Christmas Town" and many more.

When I was given the opportunity to interview Candace, I immediately responded with a resounding "yes, I would love to!" I grew up watching (like so many of you!) Candace on "Full House" with my family. In fact, my sister and I would often emulate her hair and clothing styles. Candace is just one of those people who feels like a dear friend each time I see her on TV, and I think that's because we have followed her career from nearly the beginning.

I always receive such warm, positive responses from all of her films, so I know it's such a joy for many of us to watch her delightful, family-friendly Hallmark movies. And even more than that, I feel it's an even bigger blessing to know how strong Candace stands on her faith in The Lord.

This Sunday Candace will be sharing her faith as she hosts alongside her brother Kirk Cameron ("Fireproof," "Growing Pains") the Hope Rising COVID-19 Benefit Concert on April 19th at 8pm EST. via Facebook! Candace and I discuss all the details of this wonderful event in our interview together below. I hope you are as blessed as I am to share this with all of you!






Net, It's a Wonderful Movie: Welcome, Candace, to “It’s a Wonderful Movie,” where we typically chat about family friendly movies on TV! Most of the time I am sharing your delightful Hallmark movies with my readers, but I was so encouraged to hear about your latest project.

The Hope Rising COVID-19 Benefit Concert sounds like such a wonderful idea – which will include many fantastic, well known contemporary Christian music artists! Who are some of the incredible music talents who will be participating in the Hope Rising COVID-19 Benefit Concert that you are hosting this Sunday?

Candace Cameron Bure: There is going to be so many amazing artists! Some of the On-Screen Performances & Messages will include For King & Country, Matthew West, Casting Crowns, MercyMe, Natalie Grant, Dani and Dannah, Bishop TD Jakes, Kristen Chenoweth, and so much more!

Candace Cameron Bure (@candacecbure) • Instagram photos and videos

Net, It's a Wonderful Movie: How excited are you to host this incredible event with your big brother, Kirk, who is such a strong man of faith?

Candace Cameron Bure: I did not hesitate to say yes when Kirk came to me with this idea . People are in need of hope, faith, courage, and inspiration during this anxiety producing time. Not only is Hope Rising a result of a lot of hard work, but it is backed up by even more heart. This is about giving back to people in need. Hope Rising will uplift and inspire by uniting the audience through music and inspirational messages. Plus, despite the challenge of each artist recording this from home, the end result is mind-blowing. There is an amazing energy behind it, and it needs to be seen everywhere!!

Candace Cameron Cameron with Joel Smallbone - in the For King & Country music video "JOY"
image via: For King & Country

Net, It's a Wonderful Movie: I must say, my family and I are all such big fans of the music group, For King & Country! What was it like for you to be in their music video for their magnificent, uplifting song, “Joy”?

Candace Cameron Bure: It was so much fun! There was literally lots of Joy and excitement when we filmed it. I was tickled to death that they asked me. Everyone on their team is so kind hardworking, and creative. I was grateful to be a part of such an incredible song!

Net, It's a Wonderful Movie: And... Good news! According to the Hope Rising Facebook page – Joel and Luke will be singing JOY in their performance for the Benefit Concert!

Net, It's a Wonderful Movie: Is there a song from one of the artists participating in this event that is a blessing to you – especially during this time?

Candace Cameron Bure: There are so many! I love “Almost Home” by MercyMe. A lot of people can relate right now to the lyrics of this song. It points us to remember that these burdens will one day be gone. It talks about how the road will be hard, but we win in the end because of Jesus.

Net, It's a Wonderful Movie: As many people are going through feelings of fear and uncertainty during this time, could you share a scripture that uplifts your spirit?

Candace Cameron Bure:

Matthew 6:26-34 (HCSB)

26 Look at the birds of the sky: They don’t sow or reap or gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren’t you worth more than they?

27 Can any of you add a single cubit to his height by worrying?

28 And why do you worry about clothes? Learn how the wildflowers of the field grow: they don’t labor or spin thread.

29 Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was adorned like one of these!

30 If that’s how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and thrown into the furnace tomorrow, won’t He do much more for you—you of little faith?

31 So don’t worry, saying, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear?’

32 For the idolaters eagerly seek all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.

33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you.

34 Therefore don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Candace Cameron Bure's family - Photographer: Melissa Coulier

Net, It's a Wonderful Movie: Since we’ve all been asked to stay-at-home, you have a Full House, once again, with all of your children home with you and your husband. What has this time meant for you and your family?

Candace Cameron Bure: My husband Val and I had become empty nesters in 2019 which made me sad. Now, we have all three kids back in the house which thrills me! For that reason alone, it’s been one of the silver linings I’m grateful for. More time with my children and husband, cooking, playing board games, going for walks around the neighborhood and talking. The conversations have been incredible.

Candace Cameron Bure - Christmas Town
Credit: ©2019 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: David Dolsen

Net, It's a Wonderful Movie: After the Hope Rising COVID-19 Benefit Concert, do you have any future projects you can share?

Candace Cameron Bure: I’m slated to film three more Aurora Teagarden Mystery movies with Hallmark in the fall and two Christmas movies. Obviously, we will see if that’s still possible after quarantine. I also have The Candace Collection home decor and faith inspired product line releasing this fall available at and QVC. In addition, my production company Candy Rock Entertainment continues to produce and develop both scripted and unscripted lifestyle programming with an emphasis on family friendly content.

Net, It's a Wonderful Movie: A Side Note: Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: Heist and Seek premieres May 17, 2020 on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries!

Credit: ©2020 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Ricardo Hubbs

Net, It's a Wonderful Movie: Where will the proceeds from the Hope Rising COVID-19 Benefit Concert go, and what do you hope viewers will take away from this inspirational, amazing event?

Candace Cameron Bure: 100% of the proceeds will go ​directly ​to the charity, Samaritan's Purse. Samaritan's Purse has created mobile hospitals in Central Park as well as other hot-spots across America and the world, giving medical care to those affected by COVID-19. No business, party or individual is fiscally benefiting from this project. All performances and production work have been donated- what a blessing!

image: Samaritan's Purse

Candace Cameron Bure - Christmas Town
Credit: ©2019 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: David Dolsen

Thank you so much Candace for doing this interview with me at “It’s a Wonderful Movie”! Keep on shining His Light! It was such a delight for me to have this opportunity to have this chat with you!

I know the scripture you shared above will mean so much to everyone here. In these difficult moments and days, we can find hope, redemption and power in His name. When we choose to follow Jesus, I believe as you do - that He will comfort us through the heartbreak, the loneliness, the loss, the toughest moments of our lives, and warmly welcome us into His loving arms. And yes, He will give us Joy - for "the Joy of The Lord is our strength!" (Nehemiah 8:10)

It is remarkable that all of these amazing Christian music artists are coming together for this event to support Samaritan's Purse, who has been there for the people in Italy and New York, with their mobile hospitals and they've been providing care and disaster relief for those in Tennessee, Louisiana, South Carolina, and Mississippi, where homes have been damaged or demolished recently by storms. The mission of Samaritan's Purse is "to follow the example of Christ by helping those in need and proclaiming the hope of the Gospel." If you would like to give directly to Samaritan's Purse, you can do so - HERE!

Again, I thank you Candace for joining me today, and I know many of us will look forward to seeing you host the Hope Rising COVID-19 Benefit Concert this Sunday! God bless you in this and all of your future endeavors!

JOYous Blessings, Net

If you’d like to feel some extra JOY right now, then check out Candace Cameron Bure in the music video “Joy” with the music group For King & Country below and be sure to watch the Hope Rising COVID-19 Benefit Concert this Sunday, April 19th!

Let it move you... 🎶


Hope Rising COVID-19 Benefit Concert - Facebook Page

Samaritan's Purse - International Relief

Candace Cameron Bure - Facebook, Instagram, Twitter


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