Monday, 20 January 2014

Ben Affleck's Batman Suit Is "Unbelievably Cool"

Not the actual costume. Only a fanart!

Credit: DeviantArt (via mattcolvin).

Bat-belt or no Bat-belt?

Speaking with Entertainment Tonight, Jennifer Garner reveals that she's already seen her husband's Batman suit. Ben Affleck, who is set to play Batman in Zack Snyder's untitled sequel to Man of Steel, has apparently tested an early version of the superhero's costume. Garner joked that she couldn't get Ben out of it. I'm just getting that image in my head... Priceless!

QUIZ: Should Batman's suit have a gizmo-belt? (below)

Anyway, no details are given as to what it looks like and what kind of material it is made of, but here is what Jennifer thinks about the design:


When asked if she'll be encouraging Ben to bring home the suit for a private viewing, Jennifer, 41, told Entertainment Tonight: “I don't think I could get him out of the suit. So no, I'll probably go to set and look from afar.

“I've seen the suit... the suit is unbelievably cool. It's a total reinvention, it looks great.”


[via Entertainmentwise]

I'm reminding you that Batman vs Superman was recently pushed back to 2016 for a very legitimate reason. Click here to find out what that is!


<a title='Should Batman have a gizmo-belt in BATMAN VS SUPERMAN?' href=''>Should Batman have a gizmo-belt in BATMAN VS SUPERMAN?</a>


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