Friday 25 April 2014

Jessica Chastain to Portray Marilyn Monroe

Credit: Columbia Pictures, Annapurna Pictures, First Light Productions.

Film: Zero Dark Thirty.

Source: Facebook.

Jessica Chastain will have to get rid of her beautiful natural hair color to portray Hollywood icon Marilyn Monroe in upcoming biopic. My reaction? They don't even look alike!

Call me crazy, but I've noticed this weird trend in filmmaking, where they ignore completely the importance in casting actors similar in appearance to the real-life people they are supposed to portray. Take for example Amanda Seyfried, who played porn legend Linda Lovelace in the recent Lovelace.

Anyway, The Guardian reports that Naomi Watts had been previously considered for the role, but the deal fell through.

What do you think? Would Naomi Watts have been the wiser choice?


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