Five young warriors known as Saints that have the mission of protecting Saori Kido, the reincarnation of the goddess Athena from enemies in the Sanctuary. The film was first revealed in February 2012 by Toei Animation. It was developed to fit modern audiences. The team in charge of making the film had discussions with Kurumada to execute major changes in the characters that would be well received. The music of the film was composed by Yoshihiro Ike and features the theme song "Hero" by Yoshiki /X-Japan. Ever since its release, the movie has grossed ¥1 billion (US$9.4 million) worldwide.
Warriors called "Saints" are champions of hope who have always appeared since the Age of Myth whenever evil threatens the world. Present day story, many years since the long fought "Holy War" we find Saori Kido, troubled by her mysterious powers. She is saved by a boy, Seiya "Bronze Saint" from a sudden attack by assassin, through the accident Saori realizes her destiny and mission; decides to go to "Sanctuary" with Seiya and his company of Bronze Saints. In Sanctuary they confront "Pope" and wage a desperate battle against the greatest Saints, the "Gold Saints".
Part 01
Part 02
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