Monday 1 February 2016

Say Goodnight to THE WALTONS Home...

The end of an era has come. Recently I read an on-line article, which stated producers from the TNT network believe "little remember" the long running television drama series "The Waltons". Therefore, in order for them to proceed to what they deem as progress, "The Waltons" home, where interior shots were filmed for the series on a Warner Brothers Studios stage in Burbank, California, has been destroyed, so they can make room for, and I quote: "for buzzy, edgy fare". In a nutshell, that is essentially more thrillers and crime dramas.

The Waltons Home - Exterior
image: DVDtalk

According to the article, the new boss at TNT, Kevin Reilly wants to re-make the network over with a new vision, in the course of the next three years.

This particular paragraph about "The Waltons", in the article, jumped out at me and I must say, offended me, my family, and millions of TV viewers, past and present:

"Such comfort food was fine in an era of passive television viewing, when there were relatively few choices. "The Waltons" didn't have much competition. But it's also, in Reilly's view, little remembered. People actively choose what shows to watch now, and they need some flash and critical attention." (excerpt from article: "New Management Maps a Radically Changed TBS and TNT")

image via:

"Comfort food?" Yes! "The Waltons" are Americana as apple pie. Sadly, this is reflection of the times in which we live, as the family unit is being torn down. The Waltons were and still are a comfortable place to visit for an hour. They are family and always make you feel at home. A moral teaching was often given in each episode that taught us right from wrong. Love was not thrown away like trash, as it is in most television programs today, but was respected and cherished. Set in the Great Depression era, "The Waltons" series is also a great historical teacher, as it depicts the hardships of that time.

Since many first welcomed "The Waltons" in their homes in 1972, and as it continued to Season 9 in 1981, and then later on with reunion movies, re-uniting specials, etc... the show has continued on since those days in re-runs. And, still today, it remains on TV! With all the entertainment choices available, numerous channels at our very fingertips... many still happily, purposefully choose to watch this beloved series, whether it is through re-runs, streaming sources, or DVD. Why? Because we love the lasting truth of family values, hard work, togetherness, faith, heartwarming stories, and lessons learned during good and bad times.

Looking back now, I am proud I grew up watching the re-runs of this beautiful series, and I pray many children and families will again do so today. The stories and the family feel like they are a part of me. It's a world where cell phones and hand held gadgets don't exist. Is it peaceful? Yes. Perfect? No. It's real. Emotional. Tough. Hard times can test and try anyone's faith, but in the end coming together as a family at the dinner table is such a beautiful moment for the Walton family, when everyone joins hands and bows their head in prayer, as Daddy or Grandpa, typically says grace.

image via:

No matter what Hollywood creates or destroys today, in the name of progress, "The Waltons" iconic home will forever live in the hearts of all Walton fans as a place of love and beauty, a treasured home-place, where everyone jumps up to greet you and welcome you home with a warm embrace, where Momma and Daddy tuck you in at night, where you feel safe and loved, and where everyone takes a turn to say "Goodnight".

Do you still remember or watch "The Waltons"? I certainly hope and pray many families will continue to gather around the TV and watch this beloved, heartwarming series together. I know I think of it fondly and in spite of all the options out there, I still choose and always love to catch a favorite episode in re-run.

The Waltons continues to air today in re-runs on the INSP network, weekdays at 3pm/2c., 4pm/3c. and 7pm/6c. Thank you INSP for carrying this beautiful series on your network for all of us to continue to enjoy watching with our families today and hopefully for many years to come!

You can find all Nine Seasons of DVDs of "The Waltons" at Amazon plus the Reunion Movies!

If you have a special memory of "The Waltons" or would like to share your thoughts on this article or "The Waltons" home - please share in the comments below...


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