via TCM...
"Turner Classic Movies pays tribute to Debbie Reynolds on Friday, January 27 with the following festival of films. This program will replace the previously scheduled movies for that day so please take note."
Actress Debbie Reynolds |
Debbie Reynolds TCM Movie Tribute on Friday, January 27, 2017:
(all times listed below are in Eastern Standard Time)
6:00 AM It Started With A Kiss (1959)
7:45 AM Bundle of Joy (1956)
9:30 AM How the West Was Won (1962)
12:30 PM The Tender Trap (1955)
2:30 PM Hit The Deck (1955)
4:30 PM I Love Melvin (1953)
6:00 PM Singin' In the Rain (1952)
8:00 PM The Unsinkable Molly Brown (1964)
10:30 PM The Mating Game (1959)
12:30 AM The Catered Affair (1956)
2:15 AM The Singing Nun (1966)
4:00 AM How Sweet It Is (1968)
With a song in her heart, Debbie Reynolds captured ours. This is a lovely tribute TCM is giving in Debbie's memory. How I wish they were also playing one of my favorite Debbie Reynolds' movies "Tammy and the Bachelor." It's one of those treasured pieces of cimema I captured one day when watching TCM. And, I was delighted I did! The first movie in the Tammy series of films is my favorite of the collection. The moment that truly steals the show is...
Debbie singing the title song, "Tammy" from "Tammy and the Bachelor"...
One of the first movies TCM is playing in the morning, "Bundle of Joy," based on the Ginger Rogers movie "Bachelor Mother," is also a delightful Christmas and New Years Movie, which co-stars Debbie's first husband, Eddie Fisher.
Debbie Reynolds and Eddie Fisher sing "Lullaby In Blue" from "Bundle of Joy"...
And, I must share the role Debbie Reynolds is most beloved for. Watching is sure to put a smile on your face and joy in your heart!
The Song "Goood Morning" from "Singin' in the Rain," with Gene Kelly, Debbie Reynolds and Donald O'Connor, one of the most successful musicals ever filmed...
I hope you can watch some of this wonderful musical movie tribute for Debbie Reynolds on Friday January 27th on TCM... as we say goodbye to another leading lady from Hollywood's golden age.
(*Special thank you to Jill for sharing the date for this touching tribute.)
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