Monday, 9 September 2019

Scott Pilgrim Vs The World Bluray Review

I came to see Scott Pilgrim vs. the World on Blu-ray without prior knowledge of Bryan Lee O'Malley's 6 volume digest size graphic novel and whilst it appears that the 2nd volume in the series shares the film's title writer/director Edgar Wright worked with O'Malley to incorporate the key elements contained in all 6 volumes into the screenplay. I am not an avid reader of graphic novels, in fact the only time I have been compelled to read them is after seeing film adaptations, namely Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons' Watchmen and Daniel Clowes' Ghost World, this is not a prejudice against comics per se, I just find I have less time to indulge in recreational reading than I did before the pressures of work and parenthood, for shame!.. ..


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