Thursday, 5 November 2015

Your Future Favorite Christmas Movies for 2015 - Revealed!

A BIG THANK YOU to EVERYONE who participated in sharing your Guesses for what You Think *Might Be* your FUTURE FAVORITE CHRISTMAS FILMS for 2015!!!
Your Mission: To Pick only 3 potential Future Favorites + which Christmas movie you think now - just might get the Best Ratings overall! (I know it was hard to choose!)
When asking you all to pick your Future Favorites, I simply couldn't help from thinking of the movie "Back to the Future"! So now... as we are living in a world of hover-boards, only a dream in 1985... we have guessed the future and have returned to the present... the Christmas present... waiting to see if what we conjectured will, in the end, ring true!
If any of you forgot to submit yours - it's not too late - I'm extending it until November 6, 2015 at 12noon (EST)! After all... Christmas is the time for giving!!!


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